Line for union

We all watch each other die with you...



10/15/20234 min read

eagle claw that takes over the planet
eagle claw that takes over the planet

Line for union

While I was advocating the need for individual awakening and evolution on social networks, someone criticized me for advocating capitalist individualism, the egocentric “I” who is disinterested in everything.

Everything that happens only reinforces my opinion: it is the “us” and the “you” who murder, massacre, destroy this world. The “we” we hide behind. The “you”, or worse: the “them”, who exclude, condemn, dehumanize the other, and justify everything.

The “I” confronts our choices, our words, our thoughts, our own responsibilities. Suddenly they lose their grandeur, their accuracy, their beauty. The “I” is a mirror in which we do not wish to look. It returns us to reality, far from the distorted images of the glorious “us” and the monstrous “you”. “How dirty are these thoughts! How red my hands are! How black is my soul!”

Beliefs are criminal. It is not just religious. It is everywhere. Capitalism is one, racism another... How much can we believe ourselves to be better, stronger, smarter! We think we know the thoughts of those around us, when we only bring our own deep, disgusting thoughts to the surface. We get rid of it by changing ownership: we think for the others, we speak for the others, and we hate them for these thoughts and words that they never uttered.

You should never believe, neither yourself nor anyone else. We must question, know, be, act, think and feel. Believing is definitely to be banned.

Stop believing what people tell you. Stop believing what suits your Ego. Stop believing you are protected, safe, unconcerned.

Stand in front of this mirror and look. Right in the eyes. Who do you see?

Siddharta rfom Hermann Hesse
Siddharta rfom Hermann Hesse

The journey of Siddharta (Hermann Hesse).

It is this spiritual quest that I wanted to talk about in my speeches on the individual. Whether sought after or imposed by life, it teaches us to know ourselves better, to better appreciate and accept the world, and to behave better with it. It is the quest for the better man. The status of a good man is not imposed, it is acquired. It is a journey that can only be solitary, intimate, individual. It’s not thinking about yourself, but thinking what you are before thinking what is the other.

raised fist against nazi eagle
raised fist against nazi eagle

“The world watches us die without doing anything”

We all watch each other die with you...

Humanity... it died with the games of the circus of Rome, died in the courts of the Inquisition, died with the natives of America, died with the slaves of Africa, died with Nazism... We are dead in Iraq, dead with the Ukrainians, the Iranians, the Afghans, the Israelis, the Palestinians... We will die with this planet.

We have been wandering for thousands of years on the edge of darkness without seeing it. Those who know it, like me, who have already gone through it, who suffered there, fought there, for the other, with the other, forgetting themselves, forgetting anything other than this bond, a bond stronger, more powerful than anything... they know what transcendence is. When we have known this darkness, we no longer fear it. When we faced the devil, pushed him away to continue the path, to hold this hand, never let go, never, until the end, continue moving forward with the other, for the other , in hell, in nothingness, without worrying about coming out... nothing else matters except this eternal union of souls.

At the end of this path beyond which I could no longer go, my mission accomplished, I believed myself alone and returned to the mist, to the confines of hell, wondering when we would fall there definitively. And now millions of hands are raised to escape. Screams call me back to it. I want to hold these millions of hands in mine. I don't want to let go of them. No threats, no insults, no judgment, no torture will make me give up. You don't understand, you really don't, that nothing else matters.

Nothing else matters.

Don't forget to raise your head and look at the sky from time to time. In the darkest night, billions of stars twinkle peacefully up there. Ours, in our guts, responds to them. They throb together, in communion. Do not fear hell. Face the devil. So all these lights, like yours, will never go out.



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